Friday Feb. 28 B Day
Monday March 3 A Day
Come get Homework Help in the CV library! 2:30-5 PM Mondays thru Thursdays SUU tutors will be available. We are online @ and we speak Spanish!
Junior students, if you're looking for exciting summer opportunities, consider applying for the Governor's Honors Academy and E-State. Applications for the Governor's Honors Academy are due by MONDAY, March 3rd. This program offers college credits and scholarship opportunities. For more information, please stop by the counseling office.
Want to win an iPad, Drone, Graphing Calculator, AirPods, or other cool prizes? ENTER THE CVHS MATH COMPETITION and help answer the question: “When will I ever use this?” Ask your math teacher for more info. Registration deadline is extended to Monday, March 3rd.
Juniors! There are just a few days left to sign up for the FREE ACT Prep evening class offered by the SUU STEM Center. It starts on Monday March 3rd. This is a two-week course that runs Monday thru Thursday from 5:00 – 6:30pm and ends just in time to be prepared for the district test. Sign up at
Those interested in auditioning a dance for the Spring Dance Concert, auditions will be held during FLEX on March 4th. Come prepared with 30 seconds- 1 minute of your dance ready to show. Please see Mrs. Grimes if you have any questions, sign up for a time and get on the list to be tagged for FLEX that day.
Those interested in auditioning a dance for the Spring Dance Concert, auditions will be held during FLEX on March 4th. Come prepared with 30 seconds- 1 minute of your dance ready to show. Please see Mrs. Grimes if you have any questions, sign up for a time and get on the list to be tagged for FLEX that day.
Senior Students, if you are interested in applying for Merit Diplomas, please visit the Canyon View High School website. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Taintor in the Counseling Department. Applications are due to the departments by March 7th at noon. All merit diplomas are due from the departments to the counseling office by March 21st. Students may apply for multiple Merit Diplomas from various departments.
Any student who is interested in taking 4th quarter Drivers ED can sign up with Mr. Jacobsen. You must turn 16 before September 20th. The class will start March 17th. The cost is $150.00
Juniors interested in attending Boys or Girls State, sign up for an interview in the counseling office. This is a fantastic opportunity that looks great on applications. Both events will be held in June at Weber State University.